Visioning boards, intent, and lists are all techniques for clarifying what you want and helping you to manifest it. Ideas move into the physical via thought crystalization. A very effective and very simple technique to accelerate this manifestation process is to write down what exactly you want to manifest. Writing is a crystalization process; it literally condenses thought.
An easy example is a shopping list. You just scraped the last bit of jam out of the jar, and the thought pops up in your head that you need to buy more jam. Chances are you might forget if you don't write it down, hence the usefulness of a shopping list. Next time you go to the supermarket you buy that jam you wrote on your list. Lo and behold, you come home from the supermarket, unpack your bags, and note that you have manifested the jam. And it all began with a simple thought, the thought that you were out of jam and needed to buy more.
You can actually not manifest something you cannot precisely formulate. If you can't define it the universe doesn't get it. Fuzzy thinking brings forth fuzzy outcomes (hence, no jam if you forget about it), clear thinking and precise writing help to manifest exactly what you want. When you write down an idea you want to manifest and read it back to yourself out loud you'll hear if it sounds clear, and reflects exactly what you want to manifest, whether it's jam, a new car, or a new life.
I keep a visioning box on my night table and periodically drop little notes in it with things I want to manifest. Then I forget about the box. Every once in a blue moon I open the box and go through the papers. Usually I notice - with a bit of surprise - that some of the ideas have actually manifested. What would you like to manifest in the new year?