ode to the mother

For several thousand years we have lived in yang cultures, more warrior than nurturer, more taking than giving, which shows in how we have treated Mother Earth. She has been used and abused and is tired.  We have taken from her more than we have given back.   

Becoming a mother is the ultimate act of creation, making a new human being out of love and thin air, at least sort of.  A mother gives of her body and soul to create, grow, birth, nurture and nourish a new human being in an act of procreative self-sacrifice that requires putting other before self.  In an instinctual effort to protect a young and fragile life, mothering brings forth ultimate, even fierce, unconditional love. As mothers we pour into these little beings everything we have – milk from our own body, food, love, advice, protection, healing energy, soothing lullabies, and words of encouragement.

It’s time for us, whether man or woman, mother or not, to remember that we have all experienced being mothered and nurtured, what that feels like, and how healing that is.  Dear fellow women and mothers, we must now show the way of the nurturing yin to rebalance our lopsided relationship with the earth, our ultimate Mother who gives us everything that brings forth our existence.  I see you becoming stronger, rising to the occasion, and bringing your creative nurturing spirit to heal our Mother Earth.  

Happy Mother’s Day!