so powerful, so freeing

Wesley became paralyzed from the waist down as a result of a shooting seven years ago.  Yet, today he comes across as joyful, with a sense of purpose and a sparkle in his eyes, and he has founded two organizations to empower people with disabilities.  No grudges, no blaming his attacker.

You can watch his story on the Netflix series Queer Eye S4E2, where the high point comes when he actually meets the guy who shot him.  Not only do they both admit their role in the episode, they both forgive each other and are freed of the trauma that has accompanied them for seven years.  Moreover, and amazingly, Wesley thanks his attacker for turning his life around.  Wow! Now that is karmic redemption at its most profound.  

Sometimes your deepest trauma can also carry your biggest message of wisdom  – of forgiveness or otherwise.  Here a previous post on forgiveness.