delicious words

Words can be expressive beyond their attributed meaning.  While we associate a specific meaning with the word flour, the word itself is not exactly remarkable.  But there are words beyond those mundane ones like flour, or dog, or tree.

An onomatopoeia is the first kind of word that comes to mind when I'm thinking of fun words, delicious words, words that taste good in my mouth when I say them out loud, or that are delightful in my mind when I read them.  An onomatopoeia is a word based on the sound it expresses.  Yikes is such a word - it sounds like lightening strikes.  When you hear meow you can imagine that cute kitty sidling up to your leg and talking to you, and you can hear that croaking frog croaking when you read the word ribbit.

Of course there are synonyms for the word delicious, and they are delicious in their own right.  Taste them in your mouth, slowly - luscious, scrumptious, or ambrosial.

Then there are delicious words that convey such a wonderful experiences that I call them delicious.  Enjoy these words for wonderful feelings - exuberant, tickled, giddy, glorious, euphoric, on cloud nine, in seventh heaven, elated, and enraptured.  Wouldn't you want to feel like that?  Now savor some words for wonderful sights - exquisite, fantastic, stupendous, wondrous, and sublime.   Just leaves me speechless....

To close, here are words of mysterious meaning because they are so uncommon that we don't know them, hence can't use them.  Enjoy these funny sounding words -  absquatulate, bobsy-die, floccinaucinihilipilification, haruspex, kinnikinnick, luculent, ogdoad, peely-wally, snollygoster, and finally triskaidekaphobia.  Just delicious....