This intriguing word kything means telepathic communication. My daughter and I previously took a workshop in animal communication because we were interested in "speaking" with our cats. We weren't too enthusiastic because it seemed to require a lot of practice. Recently a kything workshop came up locally. Kything is usually used to communicate with non-verbal people (i.e. in a coma, severely autistic, or otherwise unable to speak) or deceased loved ones; but I inquired whether it could be useful in communicating with animals and was told it was.
Lo and behold, it's not too difficult, although practice makes perfect of course. We practiced dropping from the head into the heart, just like you would for meditation, and getting out of the way of our mind's chatter. Then we established a line of communication by simple thought - name the animal or person and hold them in your mind. Next we learned to offer a positive loving thought about our partner to establish heartfelt communication without agenda. This needs to be a constructive thought about what your partner might need emotionally, such as "You are loving kindness," or "You are radiantly healthy." Keep repeating it mantra style in your mind. With animals just like with people it is crucial to formulate your "mantra" in the affirmative. "You are whole" instead of "You are no longer sick," or "Your heart is open" or "I miss you" as opposed to "Don't shut me out of you heart." One of our cats came from the shelter several years ago and still gobbles treats up so fast that he regurgitates them out of fear that there might not be enough. So my daughter put out " There is enough." You may get a message back right away, or not. Keep trying. Both my daughter and I established channels with our cats and with each other quite quickly, and you know it's not your imagination when you feel your partner's energy.
Try it sometime. Our cat kept his tuna fish treat down yesterday.