I have been wondering for years what enlightened means and why the definition is so elusive. Or maybe it's rather the experience that's so elusive, not the definition. Sure, easier said than done. And explaining or defining it doesn't mean I can do it. I can't. The closest I have come to even getting a smidgen of a glimpse of comprehension is by dropping into wordless space - here a previous post on it.
I think enlightenment means experiencing the world as non-dualistic, not for seconds or glimpses, but forever. When I'm able to do that for a few seconds, it seems that my experience happens all at once instead of consecutively. I am in the experience, I am the experience - there is no separation between the experience and me. It's what people achieve for short moments when they meditate. All impressions of a moment - sounds, tastes, feelings, sensations, sights - are all there at the same time.
If you sit quietly and become aware of all impressions on your senses simultaneously you'll get it. It's intense, and it leaves no time for pondering the past or the future - it's all Present, it's all Now. There is nothing to add, nothing to do. It is, and it's timeless.