getting out of your groove

           It's easy to get into a groove, into routines that are comfortable but perhaps no longer serve a purpose, trotting along on autopilot.  Multilingual people and those who keep up intellectual work throughout their later years are less likely to get dementia or Alzheimers, as has been shown. Our mind operates like an old fashioned record player that digs deeper and deeper grooves into an old vinyl record.  Thus, over time it becomes more difficult to change routines, see things afresh, learn new stuff, and remain flexible as a reed in the wind.

            Once aware of this we can remind ourselves to change around how we do routine things, which helps the brain to build new synapses and remain adaptable.  When I set the dinner table I often deliberately switch around the sequence and direction in which I place the table settings, starting at a different chair, or beginning with glasses instead of plates.  Or I'll take a different route going shopping, left around the mountain instead of right around the mountain.    Other ideas might be to change the sequence in which you brush your teeth, using your left hand for a change, wearing a color you otherwise would not, or taking the day off to celebrate just because.  Any other ideas?