This past week-end I had heart coffee in Vermont. Heart shaped crema may be the thing, but since I don't drink much coffee I was happily surprised and the sight made me stop in my track for a minute and smile.
Many years ago my husband gave me a heart rock, which he found on our property. I am still wondering whether nature shaped it like that by pure chance or whether someone actually chiseled that rock into a heart shape, and then lost it in nature for us to find it.
Two winters ago I took this picture of snow melting away in a heart shape, and during a walk in the woods I found a heart shaped cut away branch.
I like patterns, coincidences, symbols and synchronicities. All these hearts popping up in my life reflect back to me what matters most, they are little humorous reminders of life's goodness. They seem like a twinkle from heaven. Have you noticed any patterns popping up for you?