The Supreme Court ruled today on the constitutional right to same-sex marriage. Nationwide that is; in every state, conservative or not. This is huge! It is a monumental cultural shift and signals ever more fluidity in family and partnership arrangements, which is likely to sweep across the world, west to east.
The ruling seals a development that has been ongoing for thirty or so years. Ever more families live in non-traditional arrangements, whether two moms with kids, or two dads with kids, sons with single dads, kids with single moms, but also family patterns that are being rearranged, unravelled and rewoven through divorce and remarriage. Living arrangements are on the move and morphing, allowing more flexibility and more creativity than ever before. In turn, we are becoming more open to non-traditional arrangements as they make their way into the mainstream - see a previous post on the subject - social arrangements on the move.
I find it refreshing that we are no longer stuck in what we considered a societal norm of mom and dad with kids, but that everyone can be whoever they wish to be and can express that in whatever way pleases them. Yay for opening our hearts and minds to greater tolerance and possibilities.