Sound baths have gone mainstream, as the NY Times reported in an article last year. I am listening to one as I write this - these days you can find anything on the internet, in this case YouTube, even a sound bath. Sound can be every bit as healing as say a massage, or a pill, or acupuncture. Sound is of course frequency and our bodies all vibrate at a particular frequency. A healthy body vibrates above 62MHz. Darker emotions (sadness, anger, frustration) are an expression of lower frequencies by the way, as is illness, lighter emotions (pleasure, joy, contentment) of higher ones. The higher on the frequency scale we operate the"holer," the more whole or healed we become. Sound and gong baths help to realign us with our natural frequency. In sound baths Tibetan singing bowls or crystal bowls of different sizes are made to vibrate at different frequencies when a wooden mallet is rubbed around their rims. While listening our body attunes to the frequency of the bowls. Read more here about the science behind sound and gong baths.