Kris Carr, the crazy sexy cancer guru who I heard at last week-end's Hay House I-Can-Do-It conference, proposed a very easy way to tap into your intuition about a situation or an activity or your job you are not sure about. She suggested to ask yourself whether it tires or inspires you.
Emotions and feelings are easy and sure indicators on where you stand with things although they are not well understood. It seems we don't quite now what to do with them. Wouldn't life be easier if we didn't have any emotions? Guys used to be raised that way - be tough, don't show your pain, just forget her, there'll be others. So we tend to ignore our feelings, bury them, or criticize ourselves for having them. But cell biologist Bruce Lipton assured us during that same conference last week-end that "feelings are a more accurate description of life than thoughts."
That means that we can use them as indicators, they provide us with valuable information. Do you love being at your job and doing whatever it is that you do? Are you challenged, appreciated and energized? Or do you feel tired and drained at the end of the day wishing for a different way to earn your daily bread? Does your partner in crime inspire you, lift your spirits, and show his appreciation for who you are? Or not so much? Do you love to go to the gym and derive great energy from it? Or do you dread going to the gym because you do it out of a sense of obligation? Nancy Levin wrote in one of her poems "'s a sign of healing to be feeling..." Feelings are very practical road signs to help you navigate your life.