wow experience

A Wow Experience is when you are completely in the moment, enthralled, getting a sense that you're connected to something bigger, and experience utter joy and meaning.    Wow Experiences go hand in hand with synchronicity and serendipity (see an earlier post on that).  We have probably all had at last one Wow Experience, and all we want is more Wow Experiences. May I please have another one of those?

A few weeks ago I had a Wow Day.  The people I met that day, our mutual missions, what we did, our synergies and conversations  - all seemed to be in complete alignment with the universe and with me.  The energy that day was just flowing, everything seemed easy and joyful, and as if things were exactly how they were meant to be. I was on Cloud 9.  

When you're at a certain energetic or frequency level you tend to have more Wow Experiences and Wow Days because you tap into a higher consciousness and energetic level. Better yet, once you’ve had some Wow Experiences you are able to look beyond yourself and create a Wow Experience for someone else, or perhaps offer an act of random kindness.  You have probably heard it said that people get more out of helping others than helping themselves.

Have you had a Wow Experience or Wow Day lately?   Would you like one?